Two of the weapons turned up after a U.S. In the operation, agents purposely allowed weapons to be illegally purchased and circulated on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border, as the Los Angeles Times said in a Dec. The multi-agency federal arms-trafficking investigation took place from late 2009 to early 2011 - during Obama’s presidency - under the Phoenix office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, an agency of the Justice Department. Perry spokeswoman Catherine Frazier told us by email that Perry was referring to the botched federal gun trafficking investigation on the U.S.-Mexico border known as Fast and Furious in which federal agents lost track of hundreds of firearms they were letting flow into Mexico from Arizona as part of an effort to build cases against Mexican drug cartels. Perry’s claim that Obama "provided guns to Mexican drug cartels" struck us as novel. And PolitiFact reporters have previously explored claims about the debt, the success of the stimulus package and whether the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act amounts to socialized health care. We recently confirmed Obama had played nearly 100 rounds of golf as president. "Admit it, America - 2008 was our national ‘oops’ moment!" "Three and a half years, and nearly 100 rounds of golf into his presidency, Barack Obama has exploded the federal debt, passed a failed, budget-busting stimulus package, socialized health care, and provided guns to Mexican drug cartels," Perry said June 7, 2012. Rick Perry said the country erred in 2008 by electing the wrong person as president. Addressing the Republican Party of Texas convention, Gov.